Individualized care

Our services



Hair-thin needles that stimulate nerve fibers to carry electrical impulses back to the brain. Neurotransmitters such as endorphins, enkephalins, and nitric oxide are released to help relieve stress and pain. This balances out the nervous system, increases blood circulation, and creates a sense of calm and peace in the body.




A mechanical method to create space in between the muscles. For tension along the neck, back, and shoulders - cupping creates room for muscles to function smoothly as well as help to detox the body. This is a great treatment for athletes, weekend warriors, and those with chronic tension.


Herbal Medicine

Herbal blends are prescribed for specific root causes of internal dysfunction. Everyone has a specific pattern diagnosis and custom formula that is right for them. Herbs are commonly used to help treat digestion, women’s health, anxiety and stress, insomnia, fatigue, common cold, and much more.



Optimal health begins in the gut and eating the right foods to nourish you is important. But first identifying the pattern that your gut falls under and what types of foods, flavors, and nutrients that are needed is the Chinese Medical approach to nutrition.


Services & Pricing


Initial Session $150
Follow up visit $125

*Services are all based on medical necessity
*Additional fee for herbal medicine


“The way she puts the needles in is virtually painless but I can feel the nerve stimulation, and those appts were probably the most peaceful sleep I had in a long time.”

— L.C.

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